With honey waiting to be harvested we decided to try brewing mead. Husband began researching recipes and techniques and supplies were purchased.
I did not get any pictures of him starting the mead. Again, pregnancy, pain, craziness. I missed a lot. He used this recipe: Joe’s Ancient Orange Mead

A month or so in, when the yeast appeared completely used up Husband racked the mead and we had our first sip. We used two different kinds of yeast. One is regular active-dry bread yest and the other was fancy Red Star Premier Blanc yeast.
It is my opinion that the premier blanc had a better taste at this time. The bread yeast just wasn’t as enjoyable.

After racking a second time it was crunch time and the mead needed bottled as we intended to give some bottles as Christmas presents.
Husband, being the scientist he is, bought the required equipment to test alcohol content.

14% alcohol is what they came out to.

Then he obsessively frowned at his corking job and re-corked several bottles.

Husband designed the labels for the bottles and voila, done. Beautiful bottles of mead for family to enjoy, and us.
Now, upon this tasting, at the bottling stage, I must confess the bread yest mead had a better taste. Crazy, huh. It was really enjoyable, and I hadn’t really enjoyed mead previously. We will be doing this again.
visit unicorncomix.com for more of Husband’s designs.