How the trees are dealing with unseasonable weather

Permaculture Tested

It’s hot. It’s even been in the 90’s a few times. This is not Wyoming weather. This is…..this is weather unfit for human kind. It’s also dry. Spring is when we get our rain. August, September and October are our dry months. We can go without a lick of rain that entire time. Now though, now is not good. This heat, this drought, this is not good on my young trees.


I’m discouraged. I can’t water. I don’t have the water rights to water. I’m taking water out to the most desperate trees but otherwise, I’m just praying. Praying for rain that is missing us every single time.


The kraters and swales do their job admirably. I think if the trees were established better the whole system would be stable against drought conditions. The trees aren’t established though. The most established tree is on it’s 3rd year. All the others are going on their second summer or even their first in a few cases. Their roots aren’t established enough to survive this.


They are drooping. They are yellowing. Their leaves are falling off. I’m near despair. Please, rain, please.


I think I need to mulch. I haven’t for various reasons. Ok, I actually have. The very first year I mulched the trees and it was utterly pointless. It all blew away. I haven’t bothered since. I think I need to try again though. Straw being my best bet. Perhaps fresher straw and not the half decomposed straw I used the first time.

Still, perhaps this is a lost cause. That’s the thought at the very back of my mind. That I’ve done something foolish thinking it was something brave. That I’ve spent years and thousands of dollars proving all of the nay sayers right. If a single dry spring can kill all of my work than this system doesn’t work.

It’s not all dead though. It’s simply dying. Come rain. Come and restore my plants and my spirit. We are all waiting for you.


Beauty Abounds

Beauty Abounds

Our property is in bloom. So many blooms I can’t even fit them all in one post. We have the usual alfalfa and sweet clover. The blooming weeds, erm, wildflowers. The beauty is everywhere but for me, it’s acutely in the plants I’ve planted myself. The acres of sainfoin blooming in all their pink glory. The cider orchard full of vetch, poppies, clover and more.

Enough talk, enjoy the beauty with me.


Tiny White Flowers


Bachelors Button

The sainfoin is such an object of fascination for us.

Sainfoin Surveying

Sainfoin Fun

Let’s not forget the beauty in our animals either. Unfortunately only one of them would stand still long enough to get a good picture.


My glorious Prince the blackshoulder peacock.

Natural Swim Pond- digging has begun

We are water people. I love everything about it, so naturally we’d want something to swim in on our property. Something lovely and looks like it belongs in the landscape. It wasn’t feasible before. Too expensive. However, the unintentional pond has shown us we can line a pond rather cheaply with materials from our own property. Wyoming is a leading producer of Bentonite, a clay that is used a lot in construction and pond building. I cannot say 100% that bentonite is the reason we made the unintentional pond but whatever that black clay is, it holds water. So we’ll be mining it out and lining our natural swim pond with it.

Stage 1 of this project is obviously digging the hole. Our trusty excavator is making light work of that. The swimming area of the pond is planned to be a rectangle 30 feet long and at least 7 feet across. The deep end will also be 7 feet. Our excavator can only dig 7 feet if you hadn’t guessed.


I have the deep end dug, for the most part. I need to move the excavator to the other side to get some stuff I couldn’t reach, but otherwise it’s good to go.


My progress was halted by the gigantic pile of dirt that had accumulated near me. The plan was to double team the digging, one of us in the excavator and one in the tractor moving the dirt. Kids prohibit that plan mostly. Someone has to watch the little devils. They also inhibit the moving of dirt as it is a premier play spot.



We managed it, somehow. The entire pile hasn’t been moved, weather intervened, but I can move the excavator around now to finish the deep end.


So once the rectangle is completed I will go back and slope the walls for the planting area. Make it a more organic shape. Then comes the lining with bentonite. That will be the toughest job yet. Once that’s done though, nothing but plants and parties.

Mulching the garden, my positive and really negative experiences

My beautiful niece and nephew came over to assist with some farm chores for cash. I picked a terrible one for them. I tend to pick pay tasks by how little I actually want to do them. I have a 5 year old hay bale in the lean-to I’ve been picking away at over the years. I finally want it out of there and moved to the garden areas for mulching.

I love mulch for it’s ability to suppress weeds (as I’m a lazy gardener) and it’s ability to hold in moisture. I’m terrible at watering too. My tomatoes and peppers are valuable to me. There is nothing like home canned spaghetti sauce and salsa. I need these things to really take off. So mulching them is worth paying for, and not hauling hay, more so.

I am nervous about this though. I mulched our largest garden last fall in the hopes of suppressing a lot of weeds. What we got instead was an infestation of ground squirrels. When dead babies started showing up we actually worried about the plague. That garden has been completely abandoned at this point. It did have a high point though. One snowy day we looked out the window to find this:


Isn’t it the most glorious stoat you’ve ever seen! That little stoat spent a week murdering every ground squirrel it could find. We haven’t seen one in that garden since. Hasn’t stopped me from abandoning the garden though. The ground squirrels will repopulate the tunnels, it’s just a matter of time. Still, we have some anti-squirrel around and that feels pretty darn amazing.

So you can see why I would be rather nervous about mulching the new gardens. It is done though, or at least part of it is. The tomato and pepper part at least.


Nice in progress picture. It’s a tire surround and makes the entire thing a raised bed. Tomatoes in the middle and peppers in the tires. Nice soaker hose running through the entire thing.


I made sure to leave plenty of room around my tiny plants. They would be larger but I prune off most of the leaves and plant them as far up the stem as possible. I had amazing results with it last year and I’m not messing with success!

Stay tuned for a story about the sleep over hysteria that followed this mulching chore!

Sainfoin as a Dry land Forage

Sainfoin as a dryland forage

Last year when we planted sainfoin I thought we’d have four foot tall greenery in no time. That didn’t happen. Still, I’m finding sainfoin to be a fascinating plant. We heavily planted on 4 acres but I threw seeds everywhere. They are in the Kraters, berms, cider orchard and randomly about.

Sainfoin Field

The interesting thing about this random tossing of seeds is that they have grown a bit differently depending on their location. The sainfoin planted in the field has not grown terribly tall (dealing with extreme compaction). It has branched out more though.

Sainfoin in field

The sainfoin on the berm has grown quite tall and thick (very loose soil).

I’m going to continue to enjoy watching these plants grow.

Varieties in the Orchard

I thought some might be interested in what varieties we currently have growing and my opinions of some of them. It is a long list. I’m somewhat eclectic. I do enjoy buying everything and seeing what flourishes. So prepare yourself some coffee as this is going to be a long one.

Apple Trees

  • Stark® Lodi Apple Stark®– This apple has done the best by far in the orchard. It is our oldest apple variety and the tree is beautiful all around.
  • Starkspur® UltraMac™ Apple
  • Honeycrisp™ Apple
  • WineCrisp™ Apple Co-op 31
  • McIntosh Apple
  • Pound Sweet Apple– Alive and well in a Krater. I am excited to see this fruit!
  • Stark® Golden Delicious Apple– I have quite a few of these (they had a good sale) and they are hit and miss. Some are doing quite well but others are not. They also haven’t branched out at all. They are still stick looking with leaves. It’s a little odd.
  • Macoun Apple
  • Freedom Apple
  • Snow Apple
  • Hidden Rose– I was over the moon to be getting this variety but sadly neither apple survived. I bought them as whip grafts and I had some issues with both planting and protecting them. The rabbits got to a lot of my whip grafts. I hope to try this variety again.
  • Dabinette– Cider apple
  • Jonathon
  • Fuji
  • Dr. Matthews
  • Grimes Golden– I had a few of these and have one survivor. They were also whip grafts. They are said to be top of the bushel as far as taste and cider making ability. We shall see on that. It is still only a few feet tall.
  • Melrose
  • Caville Blanc D’Hiver– I keep trying to acquire this variety but it has been a difficult one. I finally bought a single whip graft which sadly did not survive.
  • Kingston Black– Cider apple
  • Sops of Wine
  • Golden Russet– Cider apple
  • Northern Spy

Cherry Trees

  • Blackgold® Sweet Cherry– This cherry is proving to be an easy keeper. Both trees survived and have flowered in their second year.
  • Hansen’s Bush Cherry
  • Stark® Montmorency Pie Cherry– These trees keep dying on me. I’m not sure why, but they do.
  • Stella– Bought a single tree from a home improvement store. This is our first year with it but so far it has survived Wyoming winds.

Peach Trees

  • Contender Peach– Has survived another winter. I thought keeping these peach trees alive would be an issue but they are hardier than I had expected.
  • Intrepid Peach
  • Reliance Peach>Both of these peach varieties were dead upon planting last year. One has come up from the rootstock but that is it. They were replaced and we shall see how they do this year.

Pear Trees

  • Starking® Delicious™ Pear– I am not sure I will plant any more pears. Not a single one survives the winter. I’ll stop thinking about poached pears and move on to something that can handle our conditions.
  • Starking® Hardy Giant™ Asian Pear
  • Colette Everbearing Pear
  • Forelle- I’ve grown this tree and the following trees from seed. They are tiny but doing well so far. Time will tell.
  • Colette
  • Seckel

Plum Trees

  • Bubblegum Plum®
  • Superior Plum– I bought two of these plums my first year from Stark Bros. They are both still alive, some of the only survivors on the berms (Which I have decided are not a good place for planting in dry Wyoming). They both flowered profusely this year, though very early. I believe that is also due to being on the berms. We had many snows during their bloom and I doubt we get anything from them.
  • Starking® Delicious™ Plum
  • Ozark Premier Plum
  • Methley Plum
  • Shiro Plum– We have quite a few of these and they are all doing well. This is their second year. Their branching out is much slower than the Superior Plum but they are sturdy and growing so what else can a girl ask for.
  • Oullins Plum– We bought 4 of these trees this spring. I expected them to be whip grafts. I was quite surprised when they came in the mail and were a good 4 feet tall. The root mass on them was also impressive. I have never received trees in quite this condition before. One Green World is where I got the Oullins, Nichols and Italian plums. I’ll be purchasing from them again. The price is a bit larger than Stark’s but they carry different varieties. They are a few dollars cheaper than South Meadow Fruit Gardens but South Meadow simply delivers whip grafts. So, for the price these trees can not be beat.
  • Nichols Plum
  • Italian plum

Other Fruit Trees

  • Mango Paw Paw– Had a tough time of it last year. I had a single survivor which daughter quickly broke in half right after I took the picture and rejoiced after it. I suppose the lesson here is that two year olds should not be released upon unsuspecting trees.
  • Briana Apricot– These things were teeny tiny when I bought them. Scarcely a few inches tall. Not much has changed BUT they are still alive, so success.
  • Cathay Quince– I just bought one of these, not figuring I’d require much more than that. It’s alive and well in the Krater farthest from the house. That krater gets the least amount of water so I’d say these trees must be quite hardy.
  • American Persimmon– These were also tiny trees upon purchase. I have no idea if they’ve survived their first winter yet. I will say they must taste awful as the rabbits didn’t eat them.
  • Osage Orange- Planted in a dry, desolate part of the property they have thrived in total neglect. They were small trees though, and some of them snapped under the weight of our last heavy snow fall.

Nut Trees

  • Black Walnut– A few survivors the first winter only to be completely consumed by ground animals.
  • Hazelnut– Rabbits love them.
  • White Oak– They don’t like getting hit by trucks.
  • Timbur Chestnut– Also tasty to rabbits.
  • Michigan Pecan– Perhaps the tastiest.
  • Russian Almond– Eaten but coming up from the root. A nut that is hard to crack (making a joke).

Berry Plants

  • Autumn Magic Aronia Berry– Both aronias survived but only as they are coming up from the root now.
  • Viking Aronia Berry
  • Illini Hardy Blackberry– By far the best berry I have as far as survivability. Takes an eating and keeps on kicking.
  • American Cranberry– I fell in love with these at first sight. So dainty. So unexpected. So dead. Dang it!
  • Black Consort Currants– I have three. Two survived. One could even be said to have flourished.
  • Adams Elderberry– A single survivor and only then as it came up from the root.
  • Johns Elderberry
  • Vermilion Sunset™ Goji– So easy to grow. I didn’t expect that and only bought one. It was eaten to the ground but is coming back just fine.
  • Borealis Honeyberry– Honeyberries are supposed to be native to my area. If they are they just hate me.
  • Cinderella Honeyberry
  • Issai Hardy Kiwi– Not sure I’ll bother trying these stupid vines again.
  • Fall Red Everbearing Raspberry– Yet another berry that should be native but won’t grow.
  • Latham Red Raspberry
  • Leikora Seaberry– Doing great in a moderate krater though it’s pollinating buddy bit the big one.
  • Seaberry Pollinator
  • Red Mulberry– Unknown. Not sure if any survived yet. Probably not but I like to give them a try.
  • Apple Rose

Nitrogen Fixing– Nothing more be said about these I think.

  • Black Locust
  • Caragana