A life changing hope I have for the orchard

I’m excited about many aspects of our future, mature orchard. One of the things a lot of people probably wouldn’t consider is going to be the most life changing. I live in Wyoming. Windy, windy Wyoming. I also live surrounded by commercially farmed wheat fields. Wind and constantly plowed fields, not a good mix.


So what do I hope for? A plant filter. Dust is all consuming here. It seeps into the smallest crevices. Settles on every surface. Causes breathing problems and is just plain yuck!

Krater 2

I’m clearly a long way away from lush acreage.

My biggest hope is that the plants and trees that will cover our acreage will act as a living filter; stopping, collecting and keeping the topsoil blown to us by surrounding acreages. I can see some topsoil collection already in action, will take pictures when it’s not under snow. Speaking of the snow, it’s a great barometer for dirt. Our snow is quite brown, coated in topsoil from the surrounding areas.

I eat rabbits, yes

These dogs don’t help.

Such a small thing to hope for if you live in a city, somewhere without wind or somewhere that just isn’t….here. It would be life changing for me. To wash the table and have it looking like I actually washed it. That would make me wonderfully happy.

Country life

This pumpkin has been eaten by the turkeys since this picture was taken.


Kitchen garden is having it’s ups and downs. I have a squash bug infestation. This is made a bit better by the spider that has taken up residence at the bottom of the squash. The squash that have managed to grow are getting eaten by the birds. Turkeys I think. I’m going to have to make that fence a priority.

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The wine bottle hot box looks good. Things are really growing now. Flowers have bloomed and we are excited!

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Corn is growing well as well as the tomatoes, peppers and green beans. Green beans have been harvested twice already and are still growing strong.

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We took a nice walk last night. Son was excited to wear his boots and walk in the puddles from the rain the day before.  Daughter rode in the backpack. That thing is a life saver.


We have purchased a new macro lens and I’m having a heck of a time figuring it out. Tried to take a nice picture of one of our many sunflowers and this is the best I could get. Ugh!


Vetch pod


I have a few random plants growing around the property. Wind blown seed, never watered. I’m impressed with the fact that this has grown at all.