We knew it would happen. After a week of beautiful weather another hard snowstorm was expected. We’d been on high alert for one of our younger gilts to farrow. As the days ticked by we just knew she would do it as soon as it started snowing. Lo and behold, she did.
Monday morning I went out to do my normal checks and feeding and there was the tiniest little piglet shivering in the hay. I grabbed it up and stuck it in my coat to go inside to warm up. Then I turned on the heat lamp (which was not on before for safety reasons) and went out to check on Mama. She had another piglet (3x larger than the one in the house) that was stillborn. I couldn’t save it. No others.
I’m not sure what it is about my guinea hogs but they have TINY first litters. Tu-tu just had 3 babies her first time around. She did have 8 the second time though, so there is hope. This mama had 2 and was done.
I sat out in the barn with the piglet in my coat debating what to do. Do I decide it’s too cold out and keep the piglet as a bottle baby? I know the risks involved in that. I called a few friends and asked opinions. Most told me to give mama the piglet and let what happens happen. So I did. Oh the angst. I was just determined that our 3rd farrowing be successful. I checked mama and baby often. The tiny little piglet was staying under the heat lamp and mama was laying in front of it which helped block any drafts. I put hay all around them. Still, I did not expect it to survive.

I went out the next morning sluggishly. I did not want to have to pick up another dead piglet. To my utter amazement the piglet was alive. Same with the next day, and the next. The weather has warmed back up now and mama and baby are doing just fine. It may be the smallest piglet ever but it makes my heart feel light!