Our new island is a true thing of beauty. The kitchen is almost 100% done. All that is left is a new floor and putting base boards on all the cabinets. This is a big deal for me. I started this entire kitchen remodel so I could get a big, beautiful island the kids would be able to access better. Our old island was…gross.

Small and oddly angled it just wasn’t that functional. If I was rolling dough on it there was no way the kids could get up and help me out.

I used the IKEA Algot system and cut it up to make the perfect fruit and vegetable storage baskets in the island.

I was able to fit five large baskets perfectly into the island frame.

I find the baskets extremely useful!

I router-ed two of the 4×4 braces to fit the electrical wire inside the island frame. I also sneezed, can you tell?

Island framing has begun. Can you see the dirty outline of the old island? I was excited to add an additional outlet to this island.

A thing of beauty!

I decided I wanted the planked look on the island as well. There was a big debate about whether to stain or paint the island. I decided I wanted to paint.

The color was not what I intended but it works just fine.

I ordered 8′ maple boards. As the island is 8′ long I planned to glue cross pieces onto each side. It covers the rough edges and gives the counter top the over hang it needed.

I glued the maple planks together with Titebond III Ultimate. I also managed to glue some of the tarp in. I’m talented!

This is how I bypassed using a clamp to glue the edge pieces on.

Then the planing began. I planed for about a month.
Then it was time to sand. To help flatten the butcher block island I screwed it down before I began planing and sanding. As such I was not able to take it outside to sand. I got a little creative.

It worked. No one was more shocked than I. I barely had to clean dust off of the rest of the kitchen.

Then the sealing began. Well first you have to wash it, several times. Then I scrub with lemon and salt. Then clean again. Then oil, many times. Four regular coats of oil and one coat of oil that is mixed with beeswax.

Doesn’t the edge look great!

Now the kids, the dough, the machines and whatever else I want can fit on the island.