The most dangerous building project yet. Dangerous because we bought a 25′ rope and 25′ turns out to be incredibly high in the air. It was pretty touch and go as we lifted this 16′ beam into the air. It turns out we only went 17′ into the air. Even then, very scary endeavor! We had some nice tips to help out this time though.

The first tip given to us was to put some boards up ahead of time to hold the beam in place while we get it situated. We had some spare 4x4s I screwed up with 8″ lag screws. It worked perfectly. Then we used the same lag screws to tack the beam into place while we bolted it in. Unfortunately I did not get any pics of the bolting process, but you get the idea. Same as everything else we’ve bolted in.

We intend to put three ropes up. I have a swivel bracket on the very edge, overhanging. Two ropes will go in the middle.

We intend to dig a pit on one side of the obstacle and pile the dirt on the other for a ramp. That will make swinging on the rope easier, as right now it’s pretty iffy if you’ll swing nicely or hit a pole. The bracket that hangs on the outside of the poles will be the climbing rope, no pit will be dug there.