The kids and I have been working for several years to get Husband to agree to let us build a zip line. He just keeps pointing out the risk for injury and death.
So, all these telephone poles were an opportunity to try again. The poles that are 50′ apart were ideal for talking Husband into a zip line. He relented. I jumped on it and immediately bought everything we needed. I bought a 250′ spool of 1/4″ airline wire. I settled on 1/4″ wire because I wanted to appease Husband’s fears of wire breaking by getting the thickest possible and the carabiner I purchased could handle a maximum of 1/4″.

I did consider buying a zip line kit but I figured out it was cheaper to buy everything separately so that’s what I did. I had a nice spool and pallet I’d used previously for the bees so I rolled that on over to the poles as our platform. The wire is simply as far up as I can possibly reach on my tippy toes. It does enable the tractor to go underneath it to maintain the path.

Needless to say, we all love it, even husband. The kids spend endless amounts of time on it. We had to purchase walkie talkies so they could go out and zip line and we could call them in for meals and bed.

As you can see it’s the perfect height for the kids to ride down, hop off and take the seat back to the next person.
that looks fun!