Sainfoin- An experiment still in progress

Sainfoin Experiment

If you had asked me last year what I thought of our sainfoin experiment I would have told you it was a failure. A walk along the property today has proven otherwise. The sainfoin, It’s ALIVE! Right now it is the same size as last years seedlings. It has a million more leaves though.

I could be wrong, maybe it’s the size of them making me think this, but I swear there are more plants as well.


well it’s hard to see each plant but there are 6 plants in this frame. Last year I would have expected to see 2.


Our ground is awful, as you can see. I’m excited to see what difference the sainfoin makes of this mess. It’s coming up in all the cracks from what I see. Sainfoin does love dry. Dry is what we have.


I was assisted in todays sainfoin adventure by my plant scout and all around bossy photographer.


I was hindered by the girl who refuses to walk this much. So much. Wagon  AND stroller much. Sigh

Weird cooking experiments I’ve been up to.

I’ve been wanting to make and can my own broth. Unfortunately I have too many projects and too little time. However, I do cook dinner every day. Some of the dinner prep parts are wasted. Some main parts of dinner are wasted on certain household members as well.IMG_3625

I love making soup with our old hens, or mean roosters. They make some delicious soup. My husband has never been much a fan of soup broth and usually a lot of it is wasted. It’s broth though. Healthy broth as I make my soup with mushrooms and vegetables. So I canned it. Well I put it in jars and froze it, but I’m still considering it canning.


Oh, I filtered it before putting it in the jars.

I also made chicken enchiladas. You boil the chicken and then shred it, throwing out the broth. Well usually I do but not this time. The freezer is loaded with frozen broth that would normally get trashed.


Tastes great in meals so far. Better than store bought for sure!

Not a lot gets wasted at our house. We have the big dogs and the birds and now the pigs. Chocolate is officially our only food waste product. Yay!