Wow that 2 weeks of intense work turned into a month. So here is what has been happening while I’ve been AFK.
This is my lettuce and onion bed. Kids were “helping”.
Lettuce Sprouting
Here it is finished with compost and planted.
I also have a sunken hugel bed for corn and peas. I have it surrounded by tires that are going to hold potatoes and tomatoes.
I’m filling the tires in this pic. The pea trellis is the crib mattress from our son. Cribs, I love everything about them!
I’ve been hard at work kratering. Here they are in the process of being terraced. Still have to put the topsoil back on.
Here are a few kraters that I have finished and begun planting. The little tree with no label is a black locust. I have one for each krater and they are between each tree in the swales from last year.
We had a bit of a surprise pond. It was supposed to be another krater but it filled up with water and…well it’s still full. I went over with the excavator and tried to dig through the water holding layer but wasn’t successful. I’ll try again when I have time. I don’t really want a pond right there.
Thought I’d share my technique for keeping the kids entertained while I work. It didn’t work for very long before they were out in the mud, but it did work.
This is our new peacock, the old one was eaten. He’s small but very pretty, not very intelligent though.
Husband is making biochar here.
Flowers that have arrived on their own.
There is a lot more but I’ll have to update again later.