We recently purchased some grape vines from a hobbyist in Colorado, 5 dormant frontenac grapes and 2 Tramenier grape vines . We also received our Gurney’s grape order of 5 Reliant grape vines. They arrived bare root and dormant and so I took the risk of putting them outdoors, heavily mulched.

The pistachio tree is doing quite well.
The apple seeds I’ve been growing are hit and miss, but mostly doing well.
The lone locust tree seedling I have is growing slowly, but growing.
My tomato seedlings look…unchanged. I’m doing something wrong, obviously, but I do not know what.
I’ve had bug issues. The bamboo brought them into the house. The grapes cuttings I’m trying to root were the worst hit. I’ve since put diatomaceous earth on all of my indoor plants. We shall see if what they say is true, and the bugs die.
Everything else is not noticeably different but doing well.
I have planted out the hill I built for the kids slide, mulched it and tried my best to keep the mulch in place. I’m hoping in a few weeks I will be able to remove the fencing.
The birds enjoyed making it into the yard, usually heavily guarded by dogs. The ducks took the most advantage, though a few chickens came in. We had to escort everyone out before dinner, so the dogs could go back out. This gave the kids an opportunity to pet a chicken.
Yesterday we also brought home a new peacock, to replace the one that was killed by the dogs. He’s an india blue black shoulder. He had some broken feathers in transit but is still looking mighty fine. The kids took the opportunity, while the pea decided whether to come out of the cage or not, to pet his long tail and peak in on him.
We hope he adjusts well and that we can open the door to the barn again soon. They’ll all be locked in there until we are sure the new pea won’t fly away.
Here are a few extra, gratuitous pictures.
hi – interesting experiment. Was just wondering if it every worked out? I’m interested in trying to grow a pistachio tree or three near Salt Lake City, UT so would also need something relatively cold hardy. Do you know what variety your seed from Turkey was? I’ve read waaaay more about pistachio trees in the past week than is probably healthy.
Pistachios are already grown in Utah. In fact, Utah is what gave me the idea. Some students from the University of Utah planted trees at 4500′. They are still there today. That is in Logan Utah. There is also a pistachio orchard in Utah, Red Rock Pistachios.
My seed experiment was a failure. Some of the seeds had worms and the ones that germinated didn’t make it. To be honest, I’m horrid at watering things or they might still be alive. I wouldn’t buy seeds on Ebay like I did. I am going to try some trees from One Green World this year. I’m hoping it is a success!