Spring has flooded down upon us, and with it, exciting discoveries

Mini Krater Gardens 2016

What a Sunday night/Monday. We had rain, we had snow, we had everything in between. We had wind too, of course. We always have wind. I was happy though. Every Krater had at least six inches of water in it.

Elderberry Krater

Some had more water than others. This Krater has the elderberries in it and it is wide and mildly sloped, so had a large amount of water in it. The elderberries were a nice discovery as well. I thought they were dead. I was sure they were dead actually. I was wrong though. They are coming up from the root beautifully.

Seaberry Krater

This is the seaberry krater. It’s rather small and didn’t collect as much water as others but I found some cherry trees with buds on them. Mmmmmm cherries.

Unintentional Pond

The unintentional pond is filling up, much to Son’s pleasure. I have a feeling we’ll be missing some rubber boots in there soon. I will say that black clay sure does grow grass easily.

The downside to all this moisture is that our driveway always floods. We Expanded our driveway retention ponds this year. They still over flowed after this storm.

Driveway Retention

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